Tagged : sellers

Found 287 blog entries tagged as "sellers".

Whats my Kamloops home worthIt’s safe to say we all know what would hinder us from buying a home.

If we were to harness those ideas and think about what would prevent us from buying a house, we can begin to make a list of what will factor into the resale value of our own homes. The resale value of a home is the amount the home is worth to potential buyers if you were to place your house on the market. Some factors influencing resale value are beyond a homeowner’s control and the factors also vary greatly from one consumer to the next. As you discuss your home’s resale value with your Realtor, it is important to remember it is time to put your best foot forward. The following are a list of general, and valuable, factors that play into the worth of your home. 

 Size and

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Realtor or FSBO?The idea behind not using a real estate agent in the purchase and sale of a home is a simple one, to save yourself some money.

By Andrea Swiedler. Real Estate Agent with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties Licensed in Connecticut

I get that.  Buyers think they will save money on the price of the home, sellers will save at least half the commission amount. (Many do offer a commission to a buyer's agent.)


Now we are talking! Part of my job as a real estate agent is to know what my seller is selling, and what my buyer is buying. This includes data from the town hall such as property taxes, building department information, health department information and more. I make sure

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Kamloops assumable mortgageAn assumable mortgage is, simply put, one that the lender will allow another borrower to take over or “assume” without changing any of the terms of the mortgage.

For example, say you purchased a property for $200,000 with a mortgage of $150,000 and $50,000 of your own money. If part way through the mortgage term you decide you’d like to sell the home, you would have the option of essentially selling the mortgage as well. The person who buys the home from you could take over the balance of the mortgage and the associated payments and give you cash for the remainder of the value of the home. So, if your mortgage balance is now $140,000 and the home is now valued at $210,000, a buyer who is assuming the mortgage would need to pay you, the seller,

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Kamloops Home RenovationsNever forget the simple rule that cost does not equal value with home improvements.

In fact, this may be the single most difficult point for both home sellers and home buyers to understand. It resonates not only with real estate but with everything from a bottle of wine to cars to clothes. Everyone has a different definition of “value” and what they are willing to pay for it.

Home sellers often have a biased view of what they’re home might bring if offered for sale. When these opinions are expressed, “upgrades” are almost always referenced. “I upgraded the carpet, the fixtures, the HVAC, the faucets….” is a consistent refrain. But how much of that “upgraded” item is recovered? Paying an extra $10,000 for “upgraded” roof shingles or $5,000 for a high

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Kamloops Listing agent and buyers agentIf it makes you feel any better people often don't really know the difference between a listing agent and a selling agent, either.

Why should they? Why should anybody know except those of us in the real estate business? At least you'll know which agent does what in a deal and you will sound far more intelligent about the crazy business of real estate, that's why. Plus, you'll know what to call the respective agents in a transaction, and that piece of knowledge should provide you with a bit of confidence as you finagle your way to buying or selling a home.

The Listing Agent

Listing agents come in all flavors, sizes and shape. A listing agent typically represents the seller. There are a few instances in which a listing agent might accept a flat

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There is no question that home affordability in cities like Vancouver and Toronto has become unattainable for most of us.

BC property affordabilityThere is a significant supply problem which has not been adequately discussed and resolved.

With the news that foreign investors will now be taxed an additional 15% of the purchase price on residential properties in Vancouver, it looks as though a Canadian “Wall” is being built against free trade and immigration, as even the Ontario Finance Minister is suggesting that he is looking very closely at what his British Columbia counterpart has done. This is in addition to the additional taxes of current land transfer tax of 1% to 3% of the purchase price and the yet-to-be-disclosed new tax that will be applied to owners of

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What mortgage should you chooseA significant “negative shock” to the economy: That’s what it’s going to take to lower interest rates again, says Canada’s most powerful banker.

And Bank of Canada head Stephen Poloz isn’t betting on that happening any time soon. Neither are bond traders, the big guns that bet billions of dollars every day on the direction of interest rates.

So let’s suppose – just for fun – that they’re right (since we all know how often markets and economists aren’t right). If we are actually near a bottom in rates for a few years, what’s the best way to play your mortgage?

Well, it just so happens that there’s an app for that. It’s called a spreadsheet and I’ve taken the liberty of putting mine through its paces and model out which mortgage term (or

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Kamloops Multiple OfferMultiple offers are a very real occurrence in the Kamloops real estate market right now. 

We are hearing about the low inventory of houses in Kamloops which is leaving buyers missing out on their choice of house due to losing a multiple offer bidding process. A good realtor who is on the ball and gets you into seeing the properties as soon as possible is a great asset but when there are a number of hard working agents in Kamloops sometimes it can come down to the offer itself and the negotiating ability of your Realtor.

So what can you do if you find yourself in multiple offers that will increase your chances of making the sale happen for you? You will want to secure the property but not over pay for it, by balancing the below tips and getting your

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Kamloops Real Estate ReferralsWhat exactly is a real estate referral anyway?

A referral is the act of sending someone to another person for help, advice, etc.  

Referrals are one of the pillars of my business. It is also one of the biggest compliments one can receive!

Over the years much of my business has come from referrals. Giving prompt, efficient and sincere attention to the needs of all my clients has earned me the reputation of being a realtor that customers and fellow realtors can trust and rely on.

Many of my friends and clients refer people they know to me, people who are looking to sell or wanting to buy a property in the near future. Word-of-mouth is a very integral part of my business, so I thank you for the vote of confidence!  You can be rest assured any

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Choose your Kamloops realtorFinding the right real estate agent can make a huge difference in the process of buying or selling a home. 

Because searching for a home, or selling a home, may be the largest single financial decision you make, interviewing three agents is a wise exercise for you to undertake.

Which Agent Will It Be?

If you had been attending open houses before you reached this point, you have already been interacting with agents and met some that you are already considering. You had probably eliminated several before you left the open house. You may consider other agents you are acquainted with in the community. The agent you choose must be able to wear many hats. Because this process often takes time, that will be spent with that person, bear that fact

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