Tagged : Kamloops real estate

Found 96 blog entries tagged as "Kamloops real estate".

Kamloops Real Estate FactsIf you are in the market to sell or buy a property, you may have some incorrect misconceptions.

We decided to debunk some real estate myths that may be impacting your search. Consider these as guidelines for buying and selling.

Myth One: Listing your home for more than what you expect to receive will net you the price you want.

This is often considered room to negotiate. But it’s a mistake you don’t want to make. Listing too high may actually net you a lower price. Why? Because buyers and agents often won’t even look at homes priced above market value. You always have the option to reduce the price after a few weeks, but that’s not a situation you want to be caught in. A price reduction can signal to buyers that there are problems. Even in a low

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Kamloops Property ValuesFind out how much the median single-family home in your municipality went up (or down) in value last year

Housing assessments are in the mail for nearly two million homeowners in British Columbia, but those in Vancouver who may have searched their properties online have already learned that values have fallen dramatically.

The figures released January by B.C. Assessment show the typical value of a single-family home in Vancouver has dropped 11 per cent, from $1.76 million to $1.57 million, as of July 1, 2019.

Here are a few answers to questions you might have about property values across the province. 

  • How much did things change in Kamloops?

While property values dropped by four to 15 per cent across Metro Vancouver, it was a

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First time home buyerBuying your first house can feel overwhelming, but it’s oh-so-worth-it to leave the rental life behind.

We break down the process for you to help get you on the right path to living in your dream home.

1. Save, save, save

First things first: You need to start a savings fund for your home purchase. “Home buyers should have at least 10 percent of the purchase price of the home in their savings account,” says Randall Yates, CEO, The Lenders Network. “In addition, lenders like to see at least two to three months’ worth of mortgage payments in reserves.”

There are also different types of mortgage programs available for new or low-income buyers that require a lower down payment, so be sure to research your qualifications for these programs while

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BCREA 2020 First Quarter Housing Forecast Update

Vancouver, BC – January 23, 2020. The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) released its 2020 First Quarter Housing Forecast Update today.

Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) residential sales in the province are forecast to increase 10.3 per cent to 85,290 units this year, after recording 77,349 residential sales in 2019. MLS® residential sales are forecast to increase 6.3 per cent to 90,700 units in 2021. BC real estate sales

“The outlook for home sales in 2020 is considerably brighter than the past two years,” said Brendon Ogmundson, BCREA Chief Economist. “Momentum carried through from the end of 2019 to 2020 will put the housing market on more solid footing, aided by low interest rates and an improving

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Kamloops Real Estate NewsBetween rising home costs, low inventory and the prevalence of all-cash offers, potential home buyers will readily tell you: It’s rough out there.

So if you’re lucky enough to find an affordable house you like, you may feel the pressure to make an offer right away.  Not so fast.

Before you put down that deposit, don’t forget to carefully inspect the home—even if it appears to be in good condition. “Looks can be deceiving,” says Leslie Piper, a consumer housing specialist for Realtor.com. Of course, there are some flaws you can ignore, like outdated appliances and misguided paint choices. But there are others that might be true deal breakers. And if you overlook the wrong ones, your new home can quickly become a money pit, says Ilyce Glink, a real

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Buying a foreclosure in KamloopsOnce upon a time it was possible for buyers to identify a bank foreclosure from a mile off.

They were often run-down, stripped-to-the-bone and abandoned buildings which looked completely uninhabitable. However it’s a different ball game today, as many banks now choose to renovate their real estate owned (REO) properties before listing them on the market for end users to purchase. This prevents investors and contractors from making a lucrative profit through the bank’s loss.

Banks are cleverer these days, and they understand that the market has improved significantly in recent years, so they won’t come across as desperate anymore. Instead of trying to sell as quickly as possible, they look to minimize their losses. This ultimately creates both

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Kamloops Property ValuesI am frequently asked from home owners (as well as some buyers) what is the difference between an appraisal and the assessment value of a property?

The two are completely different and are used for different reasons. They have no correlation to each other at the current time. KAMLOOPS 2017 Property Tax Estimator

Assessment Value

What is Property Assessment?

Property assessment for taxation purposes and its administration is a complex and technical process that is vital to the financial health of local government. Property Assessment is the process of establishing a dollar value for property for property tax purposes. Property tax is an “ad valorem” tax based on the principle that the amount of tax paid should depend on the value of the

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Kamloops Real EstateAre there any great houses for a good price?

I have written before to advise home sellers about some of the key things they can do to improve the marketability of their properties. However, awareness of these same principles can also help the sharp-eyed home buyer to land a great place at a bargain price. The crucial thing, always, is to remember what’s important in a home, and what isn’t. Some of the apparent “problems” with a property may actually be very easy to fix. As always use your professional Kamloops Realtor to help you uncover a great property that is right for you.

Here are some of the ways you can find a great deal by disregarding some of the relatively minor problems with a home.

Some of the relatively minor updates needed for

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Low Housing InventoryIf you’re like many Canadians, you may still have a perspective of the real estate market influenced by media coverage of the 2008 crisis. However, real estate is always subject to cycles, especially around growing and expanding communities like Kamloops. The reality is this area is now facing a looming shortage of housing inventory. If your a buyer moving to the area it is key to find a local experienced realtor who can get you up to speed on your knowledge of Kamloops real estate market, its not all doom and gloom as we show in this article. IF you are a seller then the local "know-how" of a realtor is key in getting your house listed at the correct price with the best exposure possible.

From the Bank of Canada to local real estate firms, the level

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Kamloops Multiple OfferMultiple offers are a very real occurrence in the Kamloops real estate market right now. 

We are hearing about the low inventory of houses in Kamloops which is leaving buyers missing out on their choice of house due to losing a multiple offer bidding process. A good realtor who is on the ball and gets you into seeing the properties as soon as possible is a great asset but when there are a number of hard working agents in Kamloops sometimes it can come down to the offer itself and the negotiating ability of your Realtor.

So what can you do if you find yourself in multiple offers that will increase your chances of making the sale happen for you? You will want to secure the property but not over pay for it, by balancing the below tips and getting your

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