Market news and stats

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Found 364 blog entries about Market news and stats.

Kamloops Property ValueWhat is a Market Evaluation?

A market evaluation is an analysis of the real estate market that a piece of property belongs to. Market evaluations are done to determine the value of a particular property (known as the subject property) – usually for the reasons of buying or selling real estate. Market evaluations are done with a specific area in mind, over a certain period of time and often other factors used to narrow down properties to compare to the subject property.

Let me explain a Market Evaluation

Real estate agents often do market evaluations for clients or potential clients to determine the value of their clients’ home or a home that their clients are looking to buy. Market evaluations help home buyers compare potential properties so that

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Inspect your new buildHere are six home inspection points costly to fix later on new build homes.

The vast majority of builders are honest and conscientious, but errors are likely in any construction project.

Not having built a home before what should you be looking for once the contract is signed, and construction begins?

Some eager customers show up almost daily toward the end of each day to watch their new home come to life. Others may rarely visit the construction site and others never set foot in their new home until they take occupancy. The two most important points to keep in mind is there are also municipal inspectors that visit periodically to ensure code compliance. Also, caution should be taken when moving around a construction site as accidents can happen.

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Landlord in BC CanadaThe single family home has, unfortunately, become unaffordable for many people.

With roller coaster housing prices and more people finding that renting is better idea than buying, there will be more people turning to renting.

So you’ve made the fortuitous decision to invest in real estate and now you want the revenue stream to begin raining down on you. But are you ready? Below we provide a list of items to help prepare you to be an effective and fair first-time landlord!

NB- We are assuming your building allows rentals so you are not breaking any strata laws in listing your place.

Know your Tenants Rights and the Law

Learn about landlord and tenant laws in your province to ensure you’re prepared in case things go wrong—and they will. The

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Buy or sell first in Kamloops BCThe latest homeowner's conundrum: buy first or sell first?

How to Decide Home Buying & Selling Order

New homeowners face many problems, but hot markets are tricky for those looking to move up. Buying a home can be difficult. House hunters must save for a down payment, may face bidding wars and even forgo conditions once considered staples of a home purchase offer, like financing or an inspection. 

But those who already own a home and want to move into a bigger place or downsize can face a complicated process. They must also decide whether it's best to buy or sell first. The choice depends on the people, the house and the city, realtors say, though there are some constants that hold true for most situations.  The decision to sell their home first

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BC real estate newsSharp drop in B.C. home sales should be followed by steady recovery: BCREA

Ban on open houses foreshadows short- to mid-term trouble for property sales, as COVID-19 infects all aspects of the market

As COVID-19 makes its way around the globe, it is also bulldozing its way through the economy.  While airlines and event venues were the first to be infected, many are anxious about how the virus will affect other parts of the economy, including the real estate market – which made up 17.4 per cent of B.C.’s GDP in 2018.

Earlier this month, B.C. real estate brokers cancelled all open houses. When houses aren’t shown they become more difficult to sell, and when houses aren’t selling the broader market suffers. While the outlook doesn’t look good, it is

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In this time of great change don't forget that the Kamloops Property For Sale Website is open 24hrs a day for all of your real estate questions and answers.

Kamloops Real Estate Webiste

It's a safe way to get the info you need now and be ready to sell or list your Kamloops Real Estate when the time is right. If you register today you can save searches and get the information you need delivered to your email.

So how does everything effect the real estate market?

The B.C. government’s 2020-2021 budget envisioned about $1.6 billion in revenue from the property transfer tax, and the real estate sector, which employs tens of thousands of people, is worth more than $22 billion annually to the province’s GDP, according to the industry

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Canada and CoronavirusCOVID-19 has hit 2020 like a wrecking ball, slowly making its way across borders.

Social distancing has us all pressing pause, letting go of priorities in favour of time spent indoors, connected only though our screens. Alas, in the real estate market, even amid a global pandemic, there are still sellers who need to sell, and buyers who need to buy. Lucky for us, in this age of technological glory, real estate agents have access to some great solutions to ensure that processes remain safe, and transactions can continue to take place. This too will pass, and in the meantime, we can all use a little creativity to ensure that our brief pauses don’t turn into a full stop.

The Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver is "strongly recommending" against its

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Downsizing in KamloopsAre you considering down-sizing?

Don’t wait to downsize

If you have been thinking about downsizing, it’s probably time to do it. There are lots of reasons that people decide to give up their large homes; their kids have moved out, they have paid off their home, they are tired of cleaning so much house, or they don’t want the upkeep of a large outdoor space. If any of these reasons have crossed your mind, don’t hesitate.

Downsizing takes a little preparation and often people wait until there is an illness or a family crisis that forces them into a rushed move. It’s better to move while you are healthy and can take a few months to plan. It’s never ideal to deal with moving and a family crisis simultaneously if you can help it.

What should you be

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Canadian RRSPStill trying to figure out this RRSP thing? You’re not alone.

It's that time of year again - time to make the most of your RRSP contributions before the clock strikes twelve on March 2, 2020

The Registered Retirement Savings Plan, known simply as the RRSP to most, is a great tool for saving money. RRSP contributions are tax-deductible, which allows you to delay paying taxes on that income until you retire, when you’ll likely be in a lower tax bracket.  If you don’t know a lot about RRSPs, it’s time to educate yourself.  Unfortunately, our high cost of living and competing financial demands can make it challenging putting money aside. But hopefully that won’t deter you from figuring out how to make the most of what you have.

There are times when

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Kamloops Property ValuesFind out how much the median single-family home in your municipality went up (or down) in value last year

Housing assessments are in the mail for nearly two million homeowners in British Columbia, but those in Vancouver who may have searched their properties online have already learned that values have fallen dramatically.

The figures released January by B.C. Assessment show the typical value of a single-family home in Vancouver has dropped 11 per cent, from $1.76 million to $1.57 million, as of July 1, 2019.

Here are a few answers to questions you might have about property values across the province. 

  • How much did things change in Kamloops?

While property values dropped by four to 15 per cent across Metro Vancouver, it was a

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