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- Price$79,900
0000 Aberdeen Road E, North Glengarry
Looking for a rural property away from the city? This 8.4 acre property is located just a short drive South-West of Vankleek Hill. Situated close to HWY 34 and HWY 417 this property is ideal for anyone living in the city who wants an affordable slice of country paradise in Glengarry County. Let your imagination run wild on the lovely property! Buyer is responsible for confirming any future uses for the property with the Township of North Glengarry. (id:6289)
Essential Information
- Listing #X9519650
- Price$79,900
- Bathrooms0.00
- Acres0.00
- TypeVacant Land
- Lot Description360 x 1187 FT ; 1|5 - 9.99 acres
Community Information
- Address0000 Aberdeen Road E
- Subdivision721 - North Glengarry (Lochiel) Twp
- CityNorth Glengarry
- ProvinceOntario
- Postal CodeK0B1R0
Listing Details
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