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- Price$6,000,000
1296 Old Montreal Road, Ottawa
This property is 5 acres of prime land with RI5 zoning overlooking Cardinal Creek Village, Ottawa River and the Gatineau Hills. Beautifully situated at the Community Gateway with 675 feet frontage on Old Montreal Rd surrounded by the newly built well designed Tamarack Cardinal Creek Village at the intersection of Cardinal Creek Drive.\r\nNext to the newly built Trim road Light Rail Transit (LRT) System at highway 174. The only LRT Station in Ottawa within 800 meters of 2 beaches on Petrie Island and a marina. A community with tremendous growth, potential and value. The 1 kilometer radius from this property has an expected population of 10,000 within Orleans of over 128,000 population. Constant growth expected for another 10 years.\r\nLong Term Care Facility under construction across the street for 224 modern Long Term Care beds at Famille Laporte Ave.\r\nWater, sanitary and storm infrastructure are steps away based on the GeoOttawa.\r\nPotential commercial application. (id:6289)
Essential Information
- Listing #X9515959
- Price$6,000,000
- Bathrooms0.00
- Acres0.00
- TypeVacant Land
Listing Details
Community Information
- Address1296 Old Montreal Road
- Subdivision1107 - Springridge/East Village
- CityOttawa
- ProvinceOntario
- Postal CodeK4A3N8
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