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- Price$24,000,000
- SQ. Feet98
4824 8th Concession Road, Windsor
Fantastic opportunity for buyer to purchase approx. 97 acres of prime location with Residential & Commercial 100% useable flat land, under secondary plan city of Windsor as per seller, on the 401 Corridor close to Windsor Airport, the New Hospital, the new battery plant site and the Border crossings and close to the next Massive Residential development in Windsor. This property has been identified for future commercial and residential development and has been a key focus point of the City Administration. It is a fantastic opportunity to secure an investment in the booming Windsor Industrial Scene. If buyer need financing is available. (id:6289)
Essential Information
- Listing #X9284960
- Price$24,000,000
- Bathrooms0.00
- Square Footage98
- Acres0.00
- TypeAgriculture
- Sub-TypeUnknown
Listing Details
Community Information
- Address4824 8th Concession Road
- CityWindsor
- ProvinceOntario
- Postal CodeN0R1K0
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