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- Price$92,844,000
- Built1994
101 42 Fawcett Road, Coquitlam
SPACIOUS OFFICES with WAREHOUSE. Street exposure. Main floor has reception, private offices, washrooms .UPPER FLOOR is ideal for a training centre, board meetings , open work space, private offices, product demonstration. Also ideal for large CONTRACTORS. Both floors connected to WAREHOUSE. Grade level door. SECURITY gates at the entrance. Located near HOME DEPOT, just south of United Blvd, easy access to Lougheed Hwy, Trans-Canada Hwy, Mary Hill By-pass and downtown Vancouver. AMPLE PARKING. NOW AVAILABLE. (id:6289)
Essential Information
- Listing #C8059341
- Price$92,844,000
- Bathrooms0.00
- Year Built1994
- TypeIndustrial
- UtilitiesElectricity, Telephone, Sewer
Community Information
- Address101 42 Fawcett Road
- CityCoquitlam
- ProvinceBritish Columbia
- Postal CodeV3K6X9
Listing Details
- Listing OfficeRE/MAX All Points Realty
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