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- Price$749,000
- SQ. Feet6,928
- Built2006
3, 8 Gateway Boulevard, Rural Clearwater County
Industrial condo located in Gateway Industrial Park, just east of Rocky Mountain House. Just off Highway 11 with easy access and good visibility. End-unit with ample parking, outdoor has a side-gated storage space, at rear- bay is two 16X14 ft overhead doors, plus an approminate 20ft concrete apron. The shop has radiant heat ( one on the east and one on the west walls of shop). Extras include Makeup Air and metal clad walls in warehouse and forced air furnace with AC for the front office area and upper mezzanine. The developed mezzanine includes a large lunch room, conference room, and 3 offices. The main- floor office area includes a reception area, 2 offices, and 2 bathrooms. The main- shop area also includes a bathroom and shop change room. Main- floor footprint is 5,571SF ( with the shop being 4,695SF) plus the developed mezzanine being 1,357SF. Leased for $5,687.50/ month. (id:6289)
Essential Information
- Listing #A2181202
- Price$749,000
- Bathrooms0.00
- Square Footage6,928
- Acres0.00
- Year Built2006
- TypeIndustrial
Listing Details
- Listing OfficeRoyal Lepage Network Realty Corp.
Community Information
- Address3, 8 Gateway Boulevard
- SubdivisionGateway Industrial Park
- CityRural Clearwater County
- ProvinceAlberta
- Postal CodeT4T2A3
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