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- Price$329,400
- Acres5.49
21 Metaldog Place, Rural Clearwater County
21 METALDOG PLACE 5.49 ACRES - Metaldog Industrial Subdivision is located minutes northeast of Rocky Mountain House on Airport Road, situated on a ban-free road, and located within a mile of Alberta's High Load Corridor. Zoned LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT “LI” Metaldog Industrial Subdivision is 1 of the newest industrial subdivisions within Clearwater County (has been used for a pipe laydown yard for the past couple of years). All bare lots are serviced with 3 PHASE power and natural gas to property lines, and all roads within the subdivision are paved, (Note: private well & sewer systems will need to be installed at the purchaser's expense to suit individual requirements). Firepond is located within the subdivision. Prime location to establish, and grow your business. Immediate possession is available. The general purpose of this district is to accommodate and regulate small to medium-scale industrial operations, note a security suite as part of the main building is permitted as a discretionary use (this allows for an owner/operator or staff to live onsite for security purposes, and is at the discretion of the development officer). No development timeframes. Make your mark in CENTRAL ALBERTA! Multiple lots available for sale, parcel sizes between 3.83 acres - 8.72 acres (GST is applicable) (id:6289)
Essential Information
- Listing #A2090702
- Price$329,400
- Bathrooms0.00
- Acres5.49
- TypeVacant Land
Listing Details
- Listing OfficeRE/MAX real estate central alberta
Community Information
- Address21 Metaldog Place
- SubdivisionMetaldog Industrial Park
- CityRural Clearwater County
- ProvinceAlberta
- Postal CodeT4T2A2
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