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  • Price$32,550,000
  • Acres310.00

Township 240 Range Road 281, Chestermere

To learn more about this property, click the More Information button below. 310 acres of land with mountain and city views in the beautiful city of Chestermere, Alberta. Legal description: NW & NE Section 35, TWP 23, RGE 28, MER 4. Although it is currently being farmed, this land is located within the city limits of Chestermere and is zoned Urban Transition. The land consists as two parcels: one parcel of 160 acres and another parcel of 150 acres. Chestermere has the only large recreational lake close to Calgary. From the northwest corner of the property it is about a three-minute drive north on RGE RD 282 to the south end of Chestermere Lake. The property is also very close to upscale fully developed residential neighborhoods and there is quick access to Glenmore Trail, less than five minutes away, as well as to Stony Trail. The international airport is 15 minutes away. The property is bordered on the north by TWP RD 240. There is also a gated access road onto the property. Parcels can be sold separately. (id:6289)

Essential Information

  • Listing #A1075349
  • Price$32,550,000
  • Bathrooms0.00
  • Acres310.00
  • TypeVacant Land

Listing Details

  • Listing OfficeEasy List Realty

Community Information

  • AddressTownship 240 Range Road 281
  • CityChestermere
  • ProvinceAlberta
  • Postal CodeT1X0K5
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