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- Price$70,000,000
- Acres99.36
1791 Dundas Street, Cambridge
Exceptional residential subdivision development opportunity located in southeast Cambridge. With a gross land area of ±99.4 acres, the offering represents a rare opportunity to acquire a residential development site of scale in Waterloo Region, an economically vibrant and fast-growing area in Ontario. The Property is zoned Residential (H) R4 and designated as predominantly Low/Medium Residential in the official plan. Two subdivisions are actively being developed immediately adjacent to the Property. The location offers excellent proximity to the new Cambridge Recreation Complex, key employment nodes, retail/grocery amenities, and efficient commuter linkages throughout Waterloo Region and to Hamilton/Milton. Developable area and servicing details to be confirmed by Buyer. (id:6289)
Essential Information
- Listing #40527364
- Price$70,000,000
- Bathrooms0.00
- Acres99.36
- TypeVacant Land
- AmenitiesSchools
- FeaturesVisual exposure
Community Information
- Address1791 Dundas Street
- Subdivision70 - Branchton/Littles Corners/Maple Manor Subdivision/Ranchlands
- CityCambridge
- ProvinceOntario
- Postal CodeN1R5S2
Listing Details
- Listing OfficeCBRE LIMITED
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