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- Price$1,598,888
- Acres0.27
386 Tranquille Road, Kamloops
Great opportunity for redevelopment with this centrally located property on the Tranquille corridor. Currently tenanted with 2 street front commercial units and 3 residential units above. Gross leasable area of the building is 4780sqft. Building and land offers future redevelopment potential (CNS zoning allows for mixed use commercial/residential, hotels, office, retail etc). Property can be accessed from Hilltop Ave or street frontage of Tranquille. Land size is 11,819 sqft and the building is approximately 5000sqft. Current commercial leases run through March 2025 and Dec 2025. Municipal tax incentive for future development. This area is ripe for redevelopment with municipal tax incentives - be a part of the growth on The Shore with this excellent investment property. (id:6289)
Essential Information
- Listing #10327279
- Price$1,598,888
- Bathrooms0.00
- Acres0.27
- TypeOther
- Sub-TypeOther
- HeatingNo heat
Listing Details
- Listing OfficeBrendan Shaw Real Estate Ltd.
Community Information
- Address386 Tranquille Road
- SubdivisionNorth Kamloops
- CityKamloops
- ProvinceBritish Columbia
- Postal CodeV2B3G7
Additional Information
- ZoningUnknown
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