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Liana Shaw - Mortgage Consultant - Investors Group

A well thought-out plan for your financial future is an integral part of building the life you want for yourself and your family.

I commit my time and expertise to developing a personalized plan for you and your family.

A good plan is like a roadmap, helping you to see your destination and the route you need to take to get there. It will have twists and turns, but when built on sound advice and reviewed regularly, it will help get you to where you want to go and keep you on track.

As an Investors Group client, you’ll be supported by the experience, resources and superior products that have helped make us one of the largest and most respected financial services companies in Canada. We all work to help ensure your financial plan meets your needs in both the short and long term.

With my advice and a personalized plan, I will help you set appropriate planning targets, choose the right financial vehicles and build the right mix of investments

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