Tagged : seller

Found 5 blog entries tagged as "seller".

BC real estate and RadonRadon Precautions for Buyers and Sellers

It is important for home buyers and sellers to understand the risks associated with radon levels in homes, and to have enough information about radon to make an informed decision when buying or selling real estate.

So what is Radon?

Radon is measured in becquerels per cubic metre (Bq/m3).

Radon is a naturally occurring, radioactive, odourless, and colourless gas that is generated through the decay of uranium and other elements in soil minerals. In fact, radon is present at different concentrations (depending on the makeup of bedrock or sediment) throughout Canada. As radon seeps up through the ground, it can find its way into your home through cracks in your property foundation and walls. If radon

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Government of CanadaHave the recent government changes effected your home buying choices?

Call it the gap between what you have to pay and what you can afford to pay — it’s going to be considerable when you qualify for your next mortgage. Now the question is what should you do with that money?

Ottawa tightened mortgage rules in October and the one requirement that has disrupted the lending world is the stipulation that consumers qualify based on the Bank of Canada posted rate for a five-year fixed-rate mortgage.Canada Bank Stress Test

That rate — it’s based on the most common posted rate of the big six banks for a five-year fixed rate mortgage — has been stuck at 4.64 per cent since the government announced the new measures in October 2016. Qualifying with that rate is a heavy burden and

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Kamloops Condo livingDownsizing to a condo in Kamloops

There’s a big trend in real estate right now, and it will continue for the foreseeable future. This trend is for empty-nesters and baby-boomers to sell the large home with the goal of downsizing to a condo. Many owners are finding themselves in 3, 4 and more bedroom homes, the kids have moved out, and they no longer have the desire to maintain a large home where they are only using a small part of.

But condo living can be a major lifestyle change, both an extremely positive change for most but can also be a huge disappointment for some. Before taking the decision on downsizing to a condo, you owe it to yourself to answer these 4 questions to see if condo living makes sense for you.

See our search box for condos

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Home inspectionMost buyers understand the importance of getting a home inspection prior to finalizing their new home purchase. Otherwise, they risk potential costly repairs, usually related to the electrical, foundation or any structure that is not visible to the naked eye. After inspections, buyers can negotiate with sellers to come to a fair sale price that covers the cost of damages or agree to repairs prior to closing. Without an inspection, the purchase price does not reflect the potential cost of thousands of dollars needed to achieve a safe, functional dwelling. One of the reasons why fixer-uppers are often on the low end of median home prices in any given region.

Sellers on the other hand can hire an inspector to complete a pre-inspection to ensure their

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Wait… What’s that on the ceiling? Is that a crack? Is the ceiling about to cave in? What does it mean?

Crack in your foundation?Cracks in the foundation, ceiling or walls are worrying. Sometimes they’re signs of trouble, while often they’re just cosmetic issues.

The simple ones are do-it-yourself projects. However, in certain cases you’ll need professionals to handle the repair: They’ll keep the problem from getting worse.

Faulty Foundation

Vertical foundation cracks that are narrow and shallow are often just indications that concrete is curing or the house is settling. These happen naturally. Though small cracks are typically not serious, check them every couple of months to see if they expand.

Even if cracks are not yet big enough to pose a structural concern,

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