Tagged : kamloops property values

Found 1 blog entry tagged as "kamloops property values".

Kamloops Property ValuesFind out how much the median single-family home in your municipality went up (or down) in value last year

Housing assessments are in the mail for nearly two million homeowners in British Columbia, but those in Vancouver who may have searched their properties online have already learned that values have fallen dramatically.

The figures released January by B.C. Assessment show the typical value of a single-family home in Vancouver has dropped 11 per cent, from $1.76 million to $1.57 million, as of July 1, 2019.

Here are a few answers to questions you might have about property values across the province. 

  • How much did things change in Kamloops?

While property values dropped by four to 15 per cent across Metro Vancouver, it was a

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